Saturday, 16 May 2020

Web Designing and Development

    It’s easy to get web designers and developers mixed up. They both help build websites, but they’re involved in very different areas. Developers build a website’s core structure using coding languages, while designers are more visually creative and user-focused. Developers use their programming knowledge to breathe life into the designer’s creative vision. Think of developers as construction workers, and web designers as architects – both necessary, but different, skill sets. Web designer and web developer both in charge of the web page function. Both of them are important for the website building, but they’re always a debate about what’s a web designer and what’s a web developer? Can we do both jobs?


Web Designing

Web design is concerned with what the user actually sees on their computer screen or mobile device, and less so about the mechanisms beneath the surface that make it all work. Through the use of color, images, typography and layout, they bring a digital experience to life. Web design governs everything involved with the Visual Aesthetics and Usability of a website—color scheme, layout, information flow, and everything else related to the visual aspects of the UI/UX (user interface and user experience). Some common skills and tools that distinguish the web designer from the web developer are:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) or other design software
  • Graphic design
  • Logo design
  • Layout/format
  • Placing call-to-action buttons
  • Branding
  • Wire frames, mock-ups, and storyboards
  • Color palettes
  • Typography

Web designers can start creating wire frames and finally move to the design stage. Web designers may use several basic design principles to achieve an aesthetically pleasing layout which also offers excellent user experience.

Web Development

A web developer builds a website’s framework using software like JavaScript and jQuery, aiming to craft a smooth-running website, which web designers then pour their creative juices onto. Like designers, there are specific roles for web developers. Some common skills and tools traditionally viewed as unique to the front-end developer are listed below:

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • CSS preprocessors (i.e. LESS or Sass)
  • Frameworks (i.e. AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember)
  • Libraries (i.e. jQuery)
  • Git and GitHub

Web development governs all the code that makes a website tick. It can be split into two categories—front-end and back-end. The front-end or client-side of an application is the code responsible for determining how the website will actually display the designs mocked up by a designer. The back-end or server-side of an application is responsible for managing data within the database and serving that data to the front-end to be displayed.

Their is a detailed video:

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