Programming is evolving with every passing day and we are
becoming more and more dependent on it. Because of that a lot of entrepreneurs,
as well as job opportunities, are emerging in this field. According to a recent
research, Millions of people learn programming every year. If you are a
beginner programmer this article is for you as these are the top 15 terms you
would come across during your learning curve.
1. Variable:
Variable is a scalar location paired with an
identifier, basically it is an address to a memory location where we store any
data and identifier being the type of data that is integer, String, Character,
Array type, object type and much more. They are the building blocks of any
program or software because they help in providing the dynamic approach.
2. Data types:
The data type in simple language is the
classification of data which helps in telling the compiler or the interpreter
what the programmer intends to use the data and what type of data will be
stored in the Variables and accordingly allocates the size. Data types may vary
from language to language but some of them are int (Integer Type), char
(Character Type), Boolean (True-False Type) and many more.
3. Constants:
Constant is quite similar to a variable the only
difference being is its value is constant that is unchangeable throughout the
code which is not the case with variables as they may vary from their
initialization values. There are various specific realizations of the general
notion of a constant, with subtle distinctions that are often overlooked. The
most significant are: compile-time (statically-valued) constants, run-time
(dynamically-valued) constants.
4. Pseudocode:
As a beginner you will hear this word quite often
as this is considered as the best practice to reach a goal, it basically is the
layout of the code in a simple mix of English language and your preferred
programming language which covers all the important points of how the code will
work and how it would be implemented.
5. Conditionals:
As you begin you will be introduced with the
conditionals these are basically he conditional statements which tell program
what to do in different cases, they play a major role in providing dynamic
approach to a program and are present in a huge number in any big code as
program should not work in a defined manner but should be interactive to be
used by the users. One can find an example of if-else switch cases all around
the net, it basic working includes if this choice is true to do this if not
then do this.
For e.g.
// pseudo code
if ( ThisArticle
print (“comment
what you liked”)
print (“comment
the feedback”)
6. Loops or iterations:
Suppose we want a block of code to repeat for
number of times or till when a condition is matched, to write the same line
again and again would not only make are code bigger and bulky but will also
make it unreadable for this situations we are provided with loops, they repeat
a specific block of code until some condition is reached. Most used iterations
are for loop, while loop, do while loop.
7. Functions / Methods:
In programming, we often come across situations
where we have to use a code which we have implemented before instead of writing
that code again we could just move it under a name and call that name whenever
we need that code to be implemented. This supports the modular approach which
every programmer should adopt. Functions are an integrated part of any
programming language and are quite useful and are recommended for usage.
8. Data Structures:
Data structures are the specialized way of
organizing and storing data. Some basic data structures include arrays, and
some more complex ones are record, tree, list, stack, queue and much more. Any
data structure is designed to organize data to suit a specific purpose so that
it can be accessed and worked with in appropriate ways. In computer
programming, a data structure may be selected or designed to store data for the
purpose of working on it with various algorithms.
9. Object:
An object can be a variable, a data structure, a
function is basically a value in a memory referenced by an identifier. In
high-level languages with multiple classes, objects may have initialized to
refer to those classes which form a variable with a data type of that class and
let us use all features of object-oriented programming to fullest. An important
concept for objects is the design pattern. A design pattern provides a reusable
template to address a common problem.
10. Scope:
For any variable, object defined there is scope
which tells about the validity of their usability, the variables and objects
are valid only inside a piece of code unless globally, scope is beneficial for
memory management as it helps in freeing space as when code moves out of that
block the memory interlinked with that block is released. Scopes are of two
types local and global.
11. Algorithms:
An algorithm is a step by step overview of how to
solve a class of problems. Algorithms can perform calculation, data processing
and automated reasoning tasks. As an effective method, an algorithm can be
expressed within a finite amount of space and time and in a well-defined formal
language for calculating a function.
12. IDE:
IDE or the Integrated Development Environment is
one of the most important components of a coder’s life as it provides essential
comprehensive facilities to programmers for software development. Truthfully
there are no best IDE choices would vary from one to other, so I provide you
with the selection of best on basis of most popular choices.
An IDE normally consists of a source code editor,
build automation tools, debugger but is not limited only to them. IDE is more
than any of these features as it provides a power to connect all of them at one
place, besides it, almost all best IDEs have intelligent code auto-completion
which suggests what would be possible syntax you are trying to write at
13. API:
API stands for application programming Interface;
it is a set of some predefined protocols and tools which helps in developing a
good application software. In simple terms, API is a set of clearly defined
methods which helps in communication between various components. An API is
usually related to a software library. The API describes and prescribes the
expected behaviour (a specification) while the library is an actual implementation
of this set of rules. A single API can have multiple implementations (or none,
being abstract) in the form of different libraries that share the same
programming interface.
14. Modularity:
Modularity is the phenomenon of reusing the code or
dividing the code in modules instead of writing it in one full block, this is
considered as a good practice as this not only allows reusability of code but
as well as lets making changes into some specific section of code without
affecting other sections. Object-oriented programming is a way to support
modularity by dividing works into classes.
15. Compiled and interpreted
Compiled languages are the programming languages
which needs to be compiled before the usage i.e., your code needs to be built
into a binary file application and that file is made to run and checked for
error at the compile time, this error includes incorrect syntax, improper usage
of statements and much more. Example of such languages: C. CPP, Java, Swift,
Interpreted languages are the programming languages which need not be compiled before execution rather they are interpreted on the host machine reading the code directly, and providing instructions to the system on how to execute the program. Example of such languages: PHP, Python, JS, etc.